Smallville All Seasons Torrent
Smallville All Seasons Torrent

Smallville All Seasons Torrent

I've always felt Al/Miles could have finished the show very strongly with season 7 if they'd wanted to, especially if they'd done one thing very differently at the end of season 6 (will get into this more later), but this season will always feel like the season of missed opportunity to me.

Smallville All Seasons Torrent

Kara as a character isn't utilized properly, and the Traveler and Luthor arcs just kind of meander to their conclusions. There are a lot of really good individual episodes, but after the lukewarm ending to the Lex/Lana arc from season 6, the entire story itself just kind of stalls and the characters are all in this weird standstill. SEASON 7 - this is the only season where you can really feel Al/Miles spinning their wheels and not capitalizing on the show's potential.

Smallville All Seasons Torrent