Hackintosh dsdt patch
Hackintosh dsdt patch

hackintosh dsdt patch

Into device label EC0 code_regex B1AH,\s+16, replace_matched begin AH10,8,AH11,8, end Into device label EC0 code_regex B0AH,\s+16, replace_matched begin AH00,8,AH01,8, end Into device label EC0 code_regex B1DV,\s+16, replace_matched begin DV10,8,DV11,8, end Into device label EC0 code_regex B1DC,\s+16, replace_matched begin DC10,8,DC11,8, end Into device label EC0 code_regex B1CC,\s+16, replace_matched begin CC10,8,CC11,8, end Into device label EC0 code_regex B1FC,\s+16, replace_matched begin FC10,8,FC11,8, end Into device label EC0 code_regex B1RC,\s+16, replace_matched begin RC10,8,RC11,8, end

hackintosh dsdt patch

Into device label EC0 code_regex B1CR,\s+16, replace_matched begin CR10,8,CR11,8, end Into device label EC0 code_regex B0VLå,\s+16, replace_matched begin VL10,8,VL11,8, end Arg0 - offset in bytes from zero-based EC\n Into device name_hid PNP0000 code_regex IRQNoFlags\s\(\)\n\s+\\n # or if you have issues with HPET (restart after wake). # Use this if you have issues with patched AppleHDA (required on almost all laptops) # This can fix non-working audio and also has an affect on HPET. IRQ fix #Maintained by: RehabMan for: Laptop Patches # order to send messages to the kext to simulate keystrokes. # and it also provides a sink to send notifications to in # This patch serves to provide a catalyst to load ACPIKeyboard.kext

Hackintosh dsdt patch